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Just wondering what the hell is going on

15 Jul 2011

Somewhere In Limbo?

The week of homelessness was drawing near, I had arranged to stay with my friend Martin but he could only put me up for a couple of days which left most of the week with no roof. I did not want to put Dave out as it would mean his night National Trust service would be restricted.
We did speak about it though and he said he did not mind putting me up for the whole week if needed.
As much I would have liked, I was hoping this would not be the case.
As the week drew even closer, I had to take him up on his offer, I enjoyed his company, we would hardly see each other so we would not be living in each others pockets I guess and it would allow him to gain some perspective on his premature comment about wanting to live together in 6 months.
The day I moved in, he had gone out, I emptied all my bags and repacked them whilst watching television, I had not watched television for about a year, it was not very entertaining. I made myself  a coffee and waited, struggling to keep my eyes open.
A couple of hours later, I woke...it was very nearly dark (summertime) and still no sign of Dave, he had been gone a long time and I was getting bored so I made my way upstairs. I put the television on in his bedroom and based on what we had been talking about doing in the bedroom, I put on my fitted football kit: a tight Italian style football shirt with short white 80's sport shorts, with white briefs underneath. I sat and watched a bit of T.V. but it was getting too much, I had been moving my stuff all day and I gave in and fell asleep.
I was eventually woken up by Dave when he returned. It was quite frustrating that he had not said either way whether or not he was going to be late but I guess it was up to me to go ahead to sleep if I was tired. He said he was quite tired himself anyway so we went straight to sleep, only to wake up during the night for midnight madness, which was probably hotter as it was based on touch and smell as oppose to all the five senses. It was soft at first, caressing, stroking, rubbing, grabbing, spanking very arousing as his hands found their way around and moving on to the teasing of the foreplay and then the hard fucking. He had me on my back at first; thrusting himself into me, biting on my nipples, moving up to my neck and then my lips to turn me over and make me take him from behind; firmly holding my waist pulling me back and forth onto his hard shaft, the way his cock stretched my ass felt great, I could feel every inch of his throbbing cock. Then it was back to sleep where we lay in embrace.
The next day was my day off, we went over to his new house. A semi detached that was being done up to suit his own taste; a modern take on a 1940's style. It was light and all sound echoed as it was nearly empty. It was very nice and so far in keeping with the intended theme; the floor was all mosaic that I had experienced in houses that I have once found as a dwelling. He shown re around his creation in progress and then he wrote down his measurements for something or other in his kitchen. As we arranged to leave the new surroundings got the better of us and next thing I was on my knees in his incomplete kitchen taking him in my mouth; working the head, the frenulum and then the whole length...balls deep, the latter he seemed to like. We moved to the downstairs bathroom where I was bent over the sink and he pounded away at my ass like a sailor on leave, he gripped my body as he came, pulled up his things and then went back to taking his measurements.
We left shortly after and went back to his house where he was staying until he moved in, he asked me at least twice if I liked the house as apparently it was hot topic with the friends he had shown around and nothing to do with him asking me to live with him, which was OK as I had had my doubts about his intentions of asking anyway but what did HE think I was thinking of the matter?
I did not want to bring it up as it surely was not a deep matter? but then why ask if someone wants to live together?
On the journey home we had the radio on in the background and we were talking about direction in life, he had mentioned that my job would not be forever and that

"We can get you on £40,000 a year, then you can whisk me off somewhere"

Clearly this was a joke, but there was no laughing no light tone, it was quite serious and Dave was not the sort of dry humor. I was slightly bewildered by the comment but took it light heartedly as there was no way he was being serious.
I had a nice week that week, I enjoyed Dave's company but I could help but realise that he was tiring of mine. I tried to keep my distance, just in case, but on my return back to his place I wondered...
who has been in his bed before me tonight?
I had had doubts as to whether there would be something that came up that would stop him from coming at all, I was given no time, not even a rough estimate but there I just had to wait. This guy had been there to talk to and then put me up as well as hold some of my stuff so I held some faith in him and I was sat waiting around just like the day I went to stay with him, although this time I was sat around in an empty shell.
He rolled up on the car park across the road and came over with some sort of tipple as a house warming/ new found freedom celebratory gift.
When I showed him around, all three rooms, I could tell that he was not impressed, I had stressed that it was a bit of a rushed decision but in the time it was probably the better and cheaper option...I prefer to think of it as value for my money.
We had a drink and then watched a movie in bed, or at least in a folded over duvet. My laptop decided to had a nervous breakdown which left us some time for a bit of extra entertainment just to christen the place. We both reached climax at the same time, usually it was not at the same time but around the same time...possibly.
Dave got up earlier that morning to escape the lower burrow and ventured home to get himself ready for work and probably for reassurance.
The following Monday it was Dave's birthday, he had told me that he was going out with friends but I was welcome to
"come over and wait"

Being the impressionable person I was becoming, I agreed, I had stayed over the night before anyway just to give him his card and presents: a silly moneybox with Davosaurus written on the side and Ellie Goulding's CD that I remember him banging on about since we met. He appeared at least grateful.
When I arrived, there was presents, cards, their wrapping and paper all scattered over the kitchen worktops, there was a clock next to the microwave which must have been the gayest thing I had ever seen, or at least the gayest thing that could be associated with a man his age, it looked like a metallic flower! The way the room had been left was reminiscent of a child's birthday yet stated generosity and friendship, it was nice to see. Once again I was sat with the sound of the clock ticking, I watched a bit of the Television and then the film Closer all of which finished before his drunken return home...it was his birthday.
There we were sat on his sofa, with the Graham Norton Show on in the background, JLS were on and we commented on each of the members which was all innocent until

"None of them look as good as you"

 I responded
"yeah ,whatever"

to which he slurred

"No, seriously, I love you"

It was clearly the drink talking, yet he thought it would be a good idea to tell me, the following morning, that he meant what he said. I did not know what to believe, he could have just dismissed it as drunken banter. I did not feel that he was telling me the truth, a part of me did not want him to be telling the truth...but then the other part of me did.
I could not grasp any reason why he would say this to me apart from as a result of intoxication. He had told me he meant it but it just did not ring true.
I only knew that if he did mean it, I had 5 more months to see how things panned out to see if this guy's actions truly did speak louder than his words.