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Just wondering what the hell is going on

5 May 2011

Trying Out: The Interval

After the first attempt I had found myself put off by this animalistic act. So I resorted to what I knew and by that I mean going back to basics and entertaining the idea of girls. This was an attraction that felt quite natural to me especially as there was so much anticipation built on the act of infatuation. The girl had started working with me, we were introduced and all my memory was at first was that she had this crazy faded colour in her hair like when red or pink hair fades but the 'bleach' look is shining through. She had the look of a glamour model; out and about in heeled boots and large vests worn as dresses with the all important wide belt. We had not yet had the chance to hold a conversation until we bumped into each other in a nightclub in town, we were drunk but I will admit that we clicked. We spent quite a bit of time together and it was always fun and we even found ourselves working together more frequently...I do not know if our bosses were trying to tell us something or not but then that's not exactly professional is it. However it was through word of mouth of our managers that we were told how much the other had been talking. The build up of excitement was all in place and it was not long until we confronted each other about it and sorted ourselves out.
As we got to know each other, and I appreciate the honesty, I was made aware of her drug use of Mephodrone/MKat/Miaow (Plant Fertilizer) . I was led to believe that it was not heavy and that it was under control so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I then had to make myself clear about some things also, as she had been honest with me, it was only fair. I told her that I was OK with it as long as she knew what she was doing and it did not effect me. I was told that she would not become addicted to it as she only uses it on nights out with her friends to enhance her mood.
Eventually the drug use inevitably became an issue, being a caring boyfriend I would be going out to meet her at 3 or 4am to find her chewing the inside of her face with dried blood trailing from her nose. Something had to give and this was not something that I could compromise with. I asked her to stop taking it as I felt it might be the healthier option and she agreed.
About a month later we were both out with our own friends and we would meet up nearer the end of the night so we could walk home together. I thought it was a nice way of ending the night. However when I got there, she would not speak to me. I thought that she was probably having a really good time so I left her to it as I bought myself a drink and then I hear

"Hello? can I speak to you?"

I will admit that this girl was no stranger, she been into my place of work and had been very polite.

                                              "I was just wondering if you had a girlfriend?"

I told her I did and she said
                                          "That's a shame, I keep speaking to you when I come in to see you"

I am not that good at being able to recognise if anyone likes me. She had been into work a few times and commented on my hair; once when it was long and the next time when I chopped it all off into a mohawk. I told her I thought she was judst being nice.

"Yeah! But there WAS something behind it, I meant what I was saying"

Truth be told I liked the girl myself but had decided to keep it quiet and let things be until now.
Fast forward an hour or two and I was walking back with my faux 'Ball and Chain'  and I noticed she was chewing her face yet again. It had become one of her major habits! She also had a faint trail of blood between her nose and top lip, she had clearly tried to wash it away but it was still evident. I asked her if she had taken anything and she yelled:

"NO! I'm just DRUNK!"

My opinion did not matter, I had spoken to her of my concerns and I was ignored and yet I had found myself dealing with it when I had made myself perfectly clear I would not be doing. Suddenly the anonymous girl from the bar felt like a dream come true!
What the hell was I going to do?
I spoke to my housemate about it and as I did not know her name, she may have told that night but I was too excited about the news to remember, so I came up with a name of my own; Jepatal (After jepato being good with wood in Pinocchio) Rapunzel (she had long bleached blonde hair) Bloom because of the excitement I experienced when I saw her.
I decided to see how things went. I neede to see if my relationship was genuine, if I was genuine even.
It did not take long to form a decision. I decided to take a couple of days off from Miss Ball-and-Chain and during this time we did remain in contact but I did receive a phone call on the second day asking;  

"Can I have some MKat delivered to your house?

I stuck to my word and said no as I had already said to her that I was not involved

"So my houstemates are going to take MY MKat because of YOU?!"

My response was not symapthetic. I just gave a firm


I doubt that it would have come back on me but I was not going to contradict myself and give it the chance.
As time (3 months) went on, like with all relationships the excitement passed. We had literally been living in each others pockets as she was always needing to stay over, there was no chance to miss each other, no pining and absence makes the heart grow fonder etc. The true colours had seeped out and the oil painting was not as nice to look at! Gone was this exciting creature that I was happy to tear the clothes from and there stood this manipulative girl who needed to be taken care of, exploding every time she did not get her way e.g. Should a conversation in bed go against her then she would pull out the threat of "I'm going home". The first time this was used, i tried to get her to stay, I took her keys from her and threatened to throw them out the window...she then proved her intentions by staying. Next time she would use this, she would not be successful.
This was a girl who was used to getting her own way in life, she even said herself after receiving a parking ticket and yelling at the traffic warden: "I find if you get aggressive with people, you get your own way". I was thankful for the warning, not that a warning was intended but I made a mental note.
I could not decide if this girl was spoilt or clever; here is a girl who has been given whatever she wants and she has acquired the tools to make sure it stays that way...I guess it could be clever?
On the night of my birthday I introduced her to my friends. My friends are quite laid back, and seemed to warm to her...until she had had a bit too much to drink with no intention of stopping; her behaviour changed, she walked out the venue, I followed and she said again that she was going home but this time was fine to admit "I'm not getting any attention" I had tried to include her in everything as she did not know many of my friends but she meant "...from everyone else". I tried to get her to see sense and it that it did not matter about receiving attention but it was not good enough, she wanted to go home and me to go with her, which after wasting enough time arguing about it...she got her way.
The attention seeking arguements carried onto the point where she was starting to become right in what she was saying. I saw her for two more months and then I had to end it, I could not deal with someone who was still dependant on her parents, someone who, despite everything I tried, would not compromise. I had put up with baby threats "maybe that way I will keep you" and that was after dodging a conversation about living together so in my own conclusion there were more cons than pros. She did not deal with it in the best way as my phone was constantly buzzing but it eventually calmed down for this person does not give in just to suit others.