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Just wondering what the hell is going on

10 Jun 2011

The Return of Jepetal Rapunzal Bloom Part 1

It was the early hours of May 8th 2010. I had just returned home from work and I got in and slumped in a chair, whilst still in my work clothes and checked Facebook, I hardly ever check Facebook. There was a message from Jepetal Rapunzal Bloom, I had not seen or spoken with this girl for a few months, The message read:

"Hey Babe, How are you?
I haven't seen you for a while, you still alive? lol.
I'm on holiday at the moment. Are you single yet?
We should go for a drink when I get back.
See you soon." 

I had assumed that we had given up on each other due to each others bad timing. I replied to the message informing her of my singular status and in agreeance to meeting for a drink.
Monday May 10th I arrived at work and there she sat as if she knew I was going to be there, it turned out she asked someone the day before when I was working next, but she was with a guy. I assumed it was a date so I acknowledged the couple with a casual greeting as I walked by.
As I was working I felt so nervous, I was shaking, I felt as though I was being watched. Next thing her friend had got up and left her unattended and she was already stood in front of me before I had chance to run and hide

"Alright babes? How you been?"

she asked

"oh, you know...working"

I lazily responded

"I'm single now and I have been thinking that now is my chance to speak to you properly. You are single now? That is what you said."

the truth was however; that I was sleeping with someone at the time but that wasn't going to go anywhere as neither of us would have cared if the other fell off the face of the earth, so why not take a chance on lust and see where it takes us.
She trilled
"OK so I will send you my number, and we can take it from there?"

she seemed very excited, she could not stop smiling. I could not help but wonder; was there something the matter with her or was she just not that fussy. Her friend came down as if they had dress rehearsed the whole thing and they left. It did put me in a very good mood for the rest of the day though.
That night I checked good old Facebook and just like she said, there was her number, right there in my inbox. I replied with my number first before using text as a social veil. That way she would know who is contacting her from the start.
She did not reply until the next day and from then she was very prompt with her texts and calls.
We would speak about the occasional time that she would come in and I would not realise her intentions.
We arranged to meet on Sunday May 16th 2010, I was so nervous, what does one wear when venturing on a date with a fetish model?
I opted for the safest option... formal trousers, a shirt and a blazer, so sort of a suit, but it had been thrown together as oppose to being bought as one whole outfit. I figured that she was not at work that night so she might appreciate a guy who can attempt an effort.
I met her at the door of her flat, very Romeo and Juliet, and from there we ventured to a cocktail bar. I could feel myself excited yet nervous, I could not stop shaking. I think she realised my anxiety but she dealt with it in the most polite and comforting way I have yet witnessed.
When we were in the bar we decided we would have cocktails, apparently it was mischievous of us. I did not concur but I ventured forth with this endeavour. I cannot remember what we ordered exactly apart from hers being some strawberry thing that tasty very nice.
Build up over and it was time for conversation. We spoke about work, which is always boring on your day off, surely? apparently not, but it was interesting to hear about her work.
The conversation drifted to university but mainly and quite swiftly to her ex-boyfriend. She could not stop speaking of him. I knew the guy, which is why we did not act on anything sooner, I kept trying to change the subject, even willing to talk about work but there was no stopping her.
As we moved on to another bar I found myself getting more and more tired of hearing about how much more more mature she was than him and his friends. She was going around in circles, telling me how she was 27 and could not be dealing with the "shit" in her life for she has had to deal with enough "shit" so far in those 27 years. I did not want to be the bearer of bad news so I did not tell her that 27 may not mean anything and that more of this "shit" may strike again. I figured it may have been just a phase and that she will get over him, but if she was going to make my ears bleed then she needed to suffer the same as I, so I tried telling here about my previous relationship and then I was cut off, with how she could relate to it with her last relationship, again ending with how she was 27 and did not need the "shit". As angry as I was becoming, I did think that all she needed was to ventilate, her last boyfriend was 21 so she clearly needed to make me aware she was not putting up with it again, however, as I feel I have outgrown such childish acts as name calling and not answering my phone intentionally, I think that I was made fully aware that this "shit" was not going to repeat itself, but surely in return, should I request to not hear about it? It is in the past after all.
We went some place with a dance floor, it was fun, but I felt  like I we had not had enough conversation about each other, all we had spoke about...correction; all I had, had to learn so far was one side about her last relationship.
I started talking about music, we were surrounded by it and I love music and everyone listens to it so I went crazy and threw caution to the wind! She liked a lot of 80's, which was good, she did like The Vengaboys which I was a little worried about but then we all have our faults...
As she started to dance, I was not in much of a dancing mood,

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

she asked

"Define crazy"

I answered, which apparently meant I did as I got

"you do, I am a bit, I don't care what people think, I'm just me"

which made me cringe, someone who has moaned not being able to deal with immaturity due to how 27 she was, seems to have a teenage rebellion look on life, OK so if she genuinely did not care what folk thought about this so called craziness of wanting to dance, she is out of control, etc then why spend so much time on a first date stressing that.
I walked her home after the outburst of so called crazy. The walk was splendid, very calm, relaxed, genuine. I said I would like to see her again and she agreed, then we stood looking at each other and she trilled

"I'm not going to kiss you tonight, I'm too scared and I want to take things slow"

I thought that was fine, perfect, she had not led me on, she explained. We did hug though, which was nice.
The next day, Monday May 17th 2010, we had been texting back and forth about seeing each other again, we agreed Thursday May 20th 2010 as definite but to keep each other posted if we happen to both be free at the same time, considering it took a year until our first date I made the joke of not being so confident which was well received. Then she told me that we could see other people, I was slightly devastated as she had not gotten to know me yet and due to all I had to put up with on the actual date, I thought she had some nerve but I agreed as it felt like a slight relief after my last relationship, the only thing that worried me was that if we see each other openly, like she suggested, then I am not willing to compete with other guys as something better may come along.
So after being enlightened I resigned to my trustworthy profile site, I had, had my eye on this guy for a couple of weeks, we had messaged each other and apparently he liked my look and as I saw him online, I messaged him and a whole conversation grew, resulting in him asking if I was free, I was scared. I had not been chatting to him for long although, we had exchanged some funny banter but he was already asking me to go over and the area he lived was somewhere I did not know of, I googled it and googled buses but decided I would get a taxi. I tried to arrange for another time but he was free then and so was I, so I thought why not bite the bullet. We exchanged numbers and he text me the number of his address when I text him that I was on his street. I was so nervous, in his pictures he was this, apparently, 38 year old handsome man. I was worried that the guy in the pictures would not be the same guy as the one that would greet me but still I walked up and knocked on the door...

(Part 2 next week)