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Just wondering what the hell is going on

24 Jun 2011

The Second Date

It was Thursday May 20th 2010, I had just arrived at work to accept a delivery when I received a text message from Jepetal, we had been in contact for most of the week talking about a second date and she just text me out of the blue suggesting that we spend the day together, after I had finished work as we were both at work for only two hours that day...what are the chances?!
We arranged that she would meet me at work and we would go for lunch and decide from there what we would be doing. We eventually decided that we would go to the supermarket and grab something and then we went and ate by the fountain in the town centre, She had Sushi and I had a 'Southern Chicken Wrap' I had no idea which south on the map it was referring to but it tasted fine. We spoke about our days so far and and other interests on life and what we want to do with it. Jepetal was originally from London and studied fashion, she was her own boss as a fetish model and sold the clothes at suited events and private parties. Apparently very experimental in the bedroom as she got to try out and keep some of the products.
We were finally getting to know each other without the talk of the ex partners. Although it did creep in in small doses.
She told me about her family and how supportive they had been. She told me how she took after her Grandmother for her experimental ways. I tried not to touch on the subject of family, it's my own business so I side stepped slightly on  that topic.
I managed to finish my food first, there was not a competition but it was just as she did most of the talking and I was extremely hungry. She did point it out and seemed to eat quicker and as she, once again, started talking about her ex boyfriend, she suddenly stopped mid-sentence and said her food was bad but had no where to get rid of it. She was going to spit it out on to the floor but then it would be there for everyone to see and looking right back at us. There was a bin on my right, she was on my left, we had nothing to put the food in so, using only her mouth and ordering me to turn away, she hurled the food over me, aiming for the bin, she missed and it landed on the floor. She did warn me to lean forward, but later said she wanted me to look down and not the other way, either way it was not a big deal.
After lunch, we went for a drink so we found a place with a beer garden where the sun was directly on us. It was nice, relaxing and comfortable,. Once again we spoke about University and work but yet again it did not take long before what I was trying to avoid to pop up. It was tiring, I could not think of anything to say to stop hearing the same old stories such as

"Oh, ***** never did that...but I can't be dealing with it babe, I'm 27, not 20. I have had enough shit in my life and I can't be doing with these immature people. Do you know what I mean?"

I knew what she meant, we all have had our not so pleasant experiences with people but surely it may prove beneficial to not grill someone about it before you have even established what sort of relationship you want with them? It does not create the best impression.
We still needed to see if we like being around each other first before we started the teenage rebellion act...and I just could not be dealing with THIS.
We went for Ice Cream and made our way back to her house where we watched The Labyrinth followed by a session of kissing. It was like being a teenager again.
I enjoyed being in this ladies company, but eventually her ex would have to fade, I am not interested in filling other peoples shoes especially a 20 year old.
We attempted conversation again but eventually the inevitable happened, I could not deal with it any longer. All day, whenever we started a new conversation I was always optimistic about her not mentioning anything such as her ex or her age, along with how much more mature and worldly wise she is than mother nature herself (an exaggeration) but my optimism had given up. I felt I had delivered my brief, light hearted analysis on my last relationship perfectly, when conversation topic caused me to, once mentioned I then, let it go for I could elaborate more should this relationship progress plus everyone has different life experiences but that's all part of getting to know someone...gradually and not THAT much repeated information over two dates.
It was clear, she was not over the ex!
After the film had finished, I needed to get back...I just needed to get back. She did give me a lift right to my door, without mentioning the boy; we sat in the car for a little while talking about what we had planned for the rest of the day...still no mention of the boy, progress.
After our mini conversation, I got out of the car and walked into my house. I started thinking about what I was going to do, I could not deal with hearing the same old story, everything seemed to link back to him no matter what we spoke about...  I decided to give it one more chance.
The next day Friday May 21st 2010, I received a message from Dave. We had mentioned meeting again but I was thinking that was just talk. He wanted me to go around that night but I was going out, apparently it was fine

"come in and creep into bed."

It was not exactly the most stimulating thing to deal with at first as I was panicking over his door being unlocked while he was in bed, so I left early enough to ease my paranoia. It became a hotter idea when I saw how turned on he was by the mysterious aspect of it, it was a good night.
The next day (Saturday) we spent the day together. I do not know whether it was genuine choice or just laziness. We had a nice day together; cooking, followed by a movie, followed by some very good sex. It was fun and casual, good company without the heaviness, which is why we arranged the following Monday to have another "Film night" resulting in the same antics but this time on my back over the Kitchen Breakfast bar and then bent over one of the stools, he was so hard, the spontaneity of it clearly turned him on, I know it definitely had that effect on me.
The next day we had a morning fumble that led to the full works...in bed and not breakfast.
We met up again a few times that week before I realised I had not been in contact with Jepetal, so I very lazily sent her a text.
Before Jepetal, relationships had always felt like a burden but I assumed that I had just met the wrong girls. However, Jepetal had stated, from the beginning, that she wanted to take things slow and I was more than fine with that, but I could not deal with reliving her last relationship. We had spent a year trying to get the other one to realise how we felt and once we did then we needed to wait until we were both single, I should have been ecstatic but maybe all I was craving for was a bit of fun with a 'Fuck Buddy', someone there to scratch an itch who will not wear out their welcome once that relief is achieved.