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Just wondering what the hell is going on

26 Aug 2011

The Saga Continues?

After my rude awakening to the completely obvious, I was feeling like a clown. Dave had clearly been sleeping with people this whole time and I was too stupid to admit it as truth despite my assumptions.
I had taken the step to get past the lies and get my answer, the answer that I was confronted with was undeniable. Undoubtedly if Dave knew what I knew, He would probably try and lie his way out of it as Mr. Innocent or try to turn it into a fault of mine, but either way the bottom line was that there was no way of trying to manipulate it to work in his favour either way. he was lying about feelings yet sleeping with whoever and I was not about to be kept as a seat filler.
Two nights after defining the line between the lies and the truth...i.e. what I was being told and the the reality that was on his phone, I had once again found myself meeting up with Dave again.
I had no idea why I was meeting up with him, it was clear that I was not a big part of his life and he was just going to keep saying the same things thinking I was stupid enough to believe him which is the most diminishing thing...to think I pushed aside my judgement and gave him the benefit of the doubt just to be proved right and here I was going over yet again.
Dave had just brought a new piece of furniture, an antique piece he had bought in an auction. He had asked me to go over and help him 'move it in' along with his friend Ade, I had met Ade a while ago, he was the first friend of Dave's I had been introduced to when me and Dave had arranged to spend the weekend together and I had been badgered into working and then me and Ade were acquainted that evening.
I had been waiting pretty much all day for a time in which to go over, usually Dave would have said 8 o'clock but for some unknown reason I was waiting for the post on this one. It was not rocket science, sure it was only my assumption but the situation had become so transparent that Dave was becoming just as predictable; he had clearly been waiting on a reply from the Long Haired Lover this proved a huge possibility when Dave had also said that he may not even bother moving the piece that night.
Still I went on about my day waiting for his message, which eventually arrived around 5 o'clock to let me know that my company is only welcome from the same old time of 8 o'clock. So at 5pm he finishes work and then drives over to the Long Haired Lover's castle and asks him to let down his hair at about (around 5.45pm- 6pm), has enough of a bum just so he is able to drive back to his and look like he has been home for 8 o'clock...just a hunch.
From my point of view though, I arrived at 19:55 and saw the silhouette of two people in Dave's porch window, it was undecipherable what or who was who up until I saw hands being moved around as though someone was explaining something...this one was clearly Dave. I ventured forth and knocked on the door, I was welcomed in to a big old chunk of wood sat against the wall in Dave's kitchen... they had clearly moved the antique already despite me being asked to come at 8 o'clock and help. Ade starting asking questions about what I was up to, the same questions I had answered when I met him the first time as well as meeting some of Dave's other friends, the same kind of questions that my Grandmother would ask minus the typical "are you eating well?".
Th conversation rolled on and then it was time to admire the piece and how it looked against the wall, I could appreciate what they were doing, it looked OK against the wall but in all honesty nothing profound as it was still just a cabinet against a wall and did not need the amount of pondering in which to appreciate. They said nothing to each other, they just stood in silence absorbing the sight of the cabinet against this wall...I watched them, watching it...are they really just looking at it?
Ade chimed up

"This is something us old people do, stare at furniture"

Dave then said

"I would have preferred it in my bedroom but it's a bloody mission getting it up the stairs"

Ade contributed

"oh yes, everyone could appreciate it in there couldn't they Dave?"

He clearly knew how true that statement was, could Dave have been bragging about the Long Haired Lover before I got around there?

"There is only one person who is going to appreciate it in there"

said Dave, to which Ade trilled while looking at me

"Ooh, did you hear that? just one person who will appreciate it in his bedroom"

Yes, it is quite possible He knows about the Long Haired Lover.
Ade then turned to Dave and informed Dave he had to get going, but as he was leaving he very strangely said to Dave

"You want to look after this one Dave, He needs some looking after"

I do not know If he was referring to how weak I had become, should he know about Dave's Under 30's Sex Club and how gullible I had been, so I interrupted with

"I can look after myself, thank you"

He smiled as Dave rather camply 'oohed'. I was aware of more than they knew.
He did not ask about my day or what I actually thought of the piece of furniture, he just shut the door after Ade had left and went to do the washing up. I felt like a spare tool, just stood there waiting for communication.
After washing up in silence Dave asked if I was OK, I responded positively and asked if he was OK too which was received with a nod...then that was the end of that conversation. We sat watching TV, this was something that we had frustratingly found ourselves mainly doing. Dave was very quiet still, not even commenting on what he liked or disliked or agreed with in what we was watching... silence.
When we went to bed, Dave had said he was tired and wanted to sleep, there was a bit of fondling, I had taken it into my own hands literally. I rolled on to him and slowly moved my way down his body kissing him as I ventured further south, he was already hard when I got down there, I took him in my mouth and then then wet both of my hands and cupped the tip of his penis with repetition. I held back the foreskin with one hand and sliding my left hand up and down his shaft making sure I covered the tip also and then to cupping again and occasional sucking, Dave did seem to enjoy this and as he seemed like he was having a good time, I wet my right hand and played with his ass, eventually sliding two fingers up his ass and tilting them to nudge his G-Spot; The Prostate. Dave said that it felt nice, I was enjoying it myself especially when he said he was close and eventually about to come, he said thank you in such a genuine way that it may have been the first time I had believed something he had said in months.
As we lay there in the dark, I asked why he had been quiet, He said it was to do with work and that he was not really aware he had been quiet. He started going off on a tangent about how he enjoyed me coming over and gay relationships and a holiday home?

"would you like to get a place abroad that's ours? I guess it will have to be my money though. I can't be doing with these sites. Everyone on sites are just after sex, people lie about their age and put up fake pictures, I'm tired of that whole thing. You know, we can get you on £40,000 a year, don't sleep around as everyone usually goes after fresh Cock and we can see how it goes."

I was baffled, I lay there in the dark both literally and also with Dave. After all he has spouted about me not being good enough and I get something that is so whimsical that I should have walked out there and then but of course I was not about to do that.
The next morning when he was in the shower I thought about his intentions of what he had said last night, what would be the point? I checked his phone again for comments from the Long Haired Lover...There was nothing, everything had gone, I checked the phonebook on the phone and he was nowhere to be seen. It was suddenly clear why Dave had been acting the way he had last night...had he been ditched?
Either way, whatever the case, I knew enough to not believe a word he says within this context, I was like a Yo-Yo, I was being pulled in and tossed back out, we both knew it but he was unaware that I was also aware.